Pet Services
Animals are wonderfully agreeable friends. They ask so little of us, and give so much love in return.
Therapy Dogs have the ability to assist people with the grieving process. Their steady and unwavering companionship helps to provide consolation to family members while the effects of stroking the fur of a serene dog can be incredibly comforting.
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Meet Mikey
Hi, My name is Mikey and I am a grief therapy dog! I was born May 3, 2016. I am part of the staff at Sanders Funeral Home and my job is to make a visit to our funeral home a little bit easier. .
(Not a bad job)

What I Do
I am in training to be a therapy dog so I can visit hospitals and nursing homes to make friends with patients and families! They say that I am a good distraction during the experience of a death and/or funeral service. During an arrangement conference, family members like to pet my head and children love to pet me before and after a funeral.
(Not a bad job)

Training – It's Not All Fun and Games
The loss of a loved one can be a ruff time, but you especially don't have to go through it alone at Sanders Funeral Home in Lubbock. I take my job very serious which is why I've had the proper training to comfort you and others in need of emotional support. Being a grief support animal is tough, but who else is going to bring joy and comfort to the families who need it most.(Not a bad job)